
What are Scissor Lift Tables Used for?


Inkema’s scissor lifts tables are suitable to cover different logistics needs in most sectors: food, pharmaceutics, automotive, industrial, textile, etc.

Mainly Inkema’s scissor lifts are designed to:

  1. Overcome drops: they move vertically any kind of load to overcome different heights in reduced spaces.
  2. Loading bays: scissor lifts are one of the most common used solutions when there is not enough bay height, or to load or unload vehicles of different heights.
  3. Production and assembly systems: to achieve optimization in assembly chains, production systems, maintenance, repairs, packaging, etc. The proper manipulation or elaboration of products eases the operator’s work increasing productivity, and creating a safer work environment. They can be implemented in robotised or fully automatized logistic systems.

Scissor Lift Table

All Inkema’s scissor lifts have a set of common characteristics:

  • Robustness: thanks to materials that excel different quality processes.
  • Flexibility: Inkema’s R&D Department designs for each customer a scissor lift adapted to their needs.
  • Long Life: thanks to their design, to the quality processes and the proven experience within the sector, all Inkema’s scissor lifts have a long life.
  • Functionality: logistics, food, industrial… Inkema’s scissor lifts can be used in any sector or market. Furthermore, they are fully compatible with either manual logistics systems, robotised or automatized.
  • Security: all Inkema’s scissor lifts have diverse security systems, and they have been calculated and designed in accordance with the European regulations.
  • Accessories: all Inkema’s scissor lifts offer a big choice of accessories and finishes which you can consult at the end of our catalogue.

Scissor Lift Table with accessories

Galvanised Double Scissor Table

For further info, please check scissor lifts area on our website or download Inkema’s Scissor Lifts Catalogue.

We also kindly invite you to visit regularly our Youtube INKEMA Channel where you can find videos of our loading bays, scissor lifts and industrial doors.


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