
Why Install Loading Bridges instead of Motorised Dock Levellers ?

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Which type of dock leveller is best for my loading bay? In this article we will examine 7 main points about sliding or fixed loading bridges, which will help you to find out this type of loading dock is suitable for your needs.

Pasarelas Verticales

1. No pit required

Simple and quick installation. The sliding gangway is fixed to the dock of the building or on the loading bay. This type of ramp is suitable when building work is not possible or desired (rental, warehouses already built), and there is no loading bay area.

2. Low maintenance and easy installation

Easy installation and quick start-up make it very quick to get a charging zone up and running. No need to depend on time-consuming installation. In addition, they do not require a lot of maintenance during the year.

3. No power supply needed

Manual loading bridges are manually operated, so they do not require electrical power to operate. It is ideal for warehouses where there is no power supply.

4. Structural impediment

When the characteristics of the area or building prevent the installation of conventional hydraulic dock levellers either due to lack of space or impracticallity.

5. More economical

The lack of need for a civil works and the quick installation mean that manually operated walkways cost less than other motorised dock levellers.

6. High resistance

Inkema's loading bridges can support up to 4 tonnes of cargo, allowing loading and unloading manoeuvres to be carried out with complete peace of mind for most sectors.

7. Variety of types and sizes available.

The versability of this type of loading bridges is achieved, in part, by the wide variety of sizes and materials available in wich they can be manufactured. This allows the customer to obtain a product that fits perfectly to their needs and measurements. Aluminium PA51, PA52, PA53 and PA54, steel PA1 and PA2 and hydraulic PAHI loading bridges.

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Now you know what to take into account when assessing whether or not sliding gangways are suitable for your needs. Remember that our Inkema team can help you with any questions you may have about our products such as Loading baysScissor Lift TablesScissor Lift TablesHigh-speed doorsIndustrial doorsSectional doors. Fire doors, etc.


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