And proof of this is the recent participation of our company in the latest comedy by Fernando León de Aranoa released just some few weeks ago. The charismatic actor Javier Bardem stars in this great satire of the Spanish business world that leaves no one indifferent. Surrounded by INKEMA dock shelters and industrial doors, the actor plays a magnanimous boss who tries to solve his employees' problems, crossing all imaginable lines to do so, giving rise to an unexpected and explosive succession of unforeseeable events.
Specifically, INKEMA has installed several products for loading bays such as retractable dock shelters (ABRE) and standard sectional doors with grey panels in a factory located in Móstoles (Madrid), serving as recording set, where the famous actor embodies the figure of the boss in an industrial scales company located in a provincial Spanish city.
Atrezzo for film facilities: retractable dock shelter and sectional door.
To know more about the film, don't miss the opportunity to watch the following trailer: and discover some of our products at minute 0.29. Do you know which one it is?
For more information about our sectional doors, INKEMA dock shelters or other products such as: loading bays, scissor lift tables or hydraulic tables, industrial doors, fire doors and other high-speed doors, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone on 93 544 47 08 or by email: export@inkema.com and our technical experts will contact you to help you with everything you need about our products.