
Vehicle Restraint Systems and Chocks

In the dynamic world of logistics and transport, safety during loading and unloading operations is essential.

Vehicle immobilisation systems play a crucial role in preventing accidents at loading bays, thereby ensuring the integrity of both the goods and the personnel involved.

At Inkema we have developed several systems for immobilising vehicles such as trucks, vans and other means of transport:

CS41 Vehicle Restraint System

Sistema De Retención De Vehículos Cs41

The CS41 is a manual retention system that immobilises the vehicle simply, ensuring no sudden movements during loading and unloading operations.


  • Easy-to-use manual system.
  • Enhances safety at the loading bay.
  • Ideal for low-volume operations or those that do not require high automation.

CS51 Vehicle Restraint System

Cs51 (noviembre 2024)

The CS51 is an advanced system using an integrated detection and restriant operation to ensure the truck remains immobilised in the correct position, preventing unexpected movements.


  • Automatic and accurate vehicle detection.
  • Improved control and safety during loading and unloading manoeuvres.
  • Compatible with a variety of vehicles.

We also offer vehicle immobilisation devices that are easy to use and low maintenance, such as:

CA01 - Polyurethane Chock

Polyurethane chock | Inkema

Vehicle retention system with direct reflection detector.

CA01 polyurethane chock with photocell detection system. Robust design allowing intensive use in loading and unloading centres. Fits to any wheel diameter, on any lorry. Water resistant including an anti-theft safety chain.

CA02 Wireless Chock

Calzo Wireless 1.jpeg

Wheel chock vehicle detection system with built-in detector, which improves safety in the truck loading and unloading maneuver.

Reliable, as it does not incorporate optical sensors subject to obstructions due to dirt, snow or humidity.

Wireless and resistant with an integrated radio frequency system. The robust design of the high quality polyurethane wedge allows intensive use in loading and unloading centers. It does not require wiring and is very easy to use.

Stainless and long-lasting, all the electronic components of the wedge have been encapsulated, completely eliminating atmospheric exposure and guaranteeing an IP67 degree of tightness.


Ask us for more information about Vehicle Restraint Systems and Chocks.

Product of Vehicle Restraint Systems and Chocks


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