Inkema also supplies different construction systems. After conducting a previous study, we offer the best solutions for each type of construction, installation and loading bay.
The Inkema construction system concept is easy to explain: these systems are designed to satisfy anyone’s needs.
- Embedded Pit type: the Embedded Pit type levellers require a sub-frame for them to be secured to the pit. The sub-frame is installed when the pit precast is created. It has the great advantage of only being joined to the pit by welding, which makes it extremely easy to replace, move and/or change it for another machine.
- Self-hanging Pit type: the Self-hanging Pit type levellers require no frame for securing them to the pit, as the machine already has one. Its main advantage is that the frame and leveller can be installed at the same time, as the frame is integrated to the leveller.
- Box Model without letter box: The Box Model without letter box uses the leveller as a precast element. This system saves costs and time in installing the leveller, as no pit is required.
- Box Model with Precast structure for letter box: It is often necessary to consider that trucks have their own platform. For this reason Inkema has also designed the Box Model with a space for housing the platform during the loading and unloading of the goods, using a hollow precast element structure.
For more information download our Loading Bay Catalogue.