Some few weeks ago, INKEMA completed the installation of 50no. loading bays at a large logistics depot in the Spanish Northern town of Miranda de Ebro (Burgos province), belonging to a major French haulier.
Specifically, a total of 50no. RH12 suspended dock levellers have been installed. Thanks to its hydraulic lifting mechanism and its 400 mm hinged lip, the platform of this type of dock leveller bridges the distance and height between the bay and the lorry to sit firmly onto the deck of the vehicle.
In addition to the installation of the levellers, we have also supplied & installed 50no. blue sectional doors with vision panels, 50no. retractable dock shelters (ABRE model), 50 pairs of bumpers and wheel guides, 50no. LED traffic lights, 3no. self-repairable high-speed doors (PR13 model), 1no. sliding fire door and 3no. complete cold storage bay systems equipped with retractable lip dock levellers, inflatable dock shelters, industrial doors, and the innovative movable dock bumpers.
Thanks to this large-scale logistics project, INKEMA continues consolidating its position as domestic leader in the manufacture of dock levellers, being at the same time one of the main European exporters of loading bay equipment.
Should you need further information about our dock levellers, or any other INKEMA loading bay solution such as: dock shelters, scissor lift tables, high-speed doors, industrial doors, fire doors and/or sectional Doors please consult INKEMA’s website for detailed information.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries at: export@inkema.com. Our highly qualified technicians with extensive experience in the sector will find the most suitable solution for your needs.